- Sustainability
- Human Rights
Human Rights
Human Rights Policy
Since our founding, the LIFULL Group Corporate Credo "Altruism" has been at the heart of our business pursuits. In 2017, we changed our name to LIFULL and have been following our Corporate Message "Make Every LIFE FULL" with various initiatives to realize a society where everyone can truly be themselves. For these reasons and in order to fulfill our social responsibilities as a company and contribute to the sustainable growth of society, we have established a Human Rights Policy and will adhere to this policy to ensure that we are protecting human rights.
Commitment to Respecting Human Rights
Respecting human rights is one of the most fundamental aspects of our businesses. We believe we can work together with our stakeholders to appreciate and preserve individuality while also creating new value for each individual. The LIFULL Group hereby declares to respect all internationally recognized human rights including the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We do not tolerate forced labor, child labor, human trafficking, slave labor, or any other acts that violate human rights, and we are committed to eliminating all forms of discrimination. In practice, we will continue to conduct our businesses in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The LIFULL Group complies with the laws and regulations applicable in the countries and regions where it conducts business activities. In cases where there is a conflict between internationally recognized human rights and the laws of a particular country or region, we will seek ways to respect internationally recognized human rights.
Defining our Human Rights Policy
This policy has been formulated by referencing existing guidelines and internationally recognized human rights standards such as the International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. This policy has been formulated based on discussions we conducted during meetings of the Board of Directors and has been approved by the Board of Directors. Moving forward, we will continue to revise and adapt the policy to social changes and technological advancements.
Scope of Application
This policy shall be applied to value chain of the various businesses of the LIFULL Group. In addition, we expect our business partners and suppliers to also understand, support and follow this policy.
Human Rights Due Diligence
We conduct human rights due diligence in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights to identify infractions on the human rights of those involved in our businesses while also working to prevent, mitigate and correct any infractions. We will disclose further details and progress of our efforts on our website.
If the LIFULL Group's business activities cause or contribute to negative impacts on human rights, or if involvement through business partners becomes evident, we will take appropriate measures to address and rectify the situation.
The LIFULL Group provides appropriate education and awareness programs to ensure that each executive and employee understands international human rights principles and that this policy is integrated into all business activities.
Dialogue and Consultation
In implementing this policy, we will continuously engage in dialogue with relevant stakeholders and consult with external experts.
Information Disclosure
The LIFULL Group discloses information on the progress of its human rights initiatives through its website and annual reports.
Human Rights Due Diligence
We conduct human rights due diligence in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights to identify infractions on the human rights of those involved in our businesses while also working to prevent, mitigate and correct any infractions.
Key Human Rights Issues (as determined during FY 2023/9)
Appropriate working hours
In addition to our business partners, we are working to create a healthy working environment where people work appropriate hours with sufficient downtime and time off.
Harassment Prevention
We educate our employees have established a monitoring system to prevent harassment in all situations while providing assistance to victims.
Privacy Protection
We are always adjusting our internal processes for handling data with private information in order to keep up with technological advances.
Filling the Gender Gap
We are working to fill the gender gap in terms of management positions and payment through the diversity and inclusion issues we have outlined.
Correcting Human Rights Issues and Aiding Victims (Grievance Mechanism)
The LIFULL Group has established a communication channel to receive and respond to opinions, consultations and grievances regarding human rights from our business partners.
Training and Awareness Initiatives
Employee Training
We offer ongoing theme-specific training in line with social trends, such as harassment, unconscious bias, social networking, etc., to raise employees' awareness of human rights.
Initiatives to Raise Employee Awareness
Our online media project, LIFULL STORIES, operates under the concept of "there's nothing you have to do." It supports originality by featuring interviews and event reports of individuals who have taken a step towards living their own authentic lives and breaking free from conventional notions.
Initiatives to Maintain an Appropriate Working Environment
In Japan, we comply with the 36 Agreement and the Labor Standards Act, which generally prohibit work after 10 p.m. when working remotely. Additionally, we manage employee working hours on a daily basis and strive to improve long working hours by promptly responding with measures such as conducting hearings with superiors or individuals and holding consultations with a corporate physician when employees exceed set working hour limits.
Protecting Human Rights
Based on our Corporate Message of "Make Every LIFE FULL," we are working to create a world where people of all backgrounds can live and work the way they want regardless of their gender, age, race, nationality, special needs, sexual orientation or religion. The following is a list of specific examples of some of our actions and services:
We are supporting people of diverse backgrounds in finding the home they want through our flagship real estate information service, LIFULL HOME'S.
Diversity & Inclusion
We are building a workplace where diverse individuals can adjust their working style to fit their own personalities and skills.