- Sustainability
- Developing Talent
- Our Corporate Philosophy and Culture
Our Corporate Philosophy and Culture
At LIFULL, we define ourselves as a group of individuals working together to achieve our Corporate Philosophy. As a result, we strive to maintain a high level of motivation among all of our employees for making this philosophy a reality. LIFULL is a social enterprise committed to addressing social issues through our businesses while also making continuous improvements to our corporate value.
Hiring Standards – Vision & Culture Fit
During the hiring process, we place special consideration on how well potential employees will identify with the realization of our Corporate Philosophy (Vision Fit) as well as if they maintain same values as the Corporate Credo of LIFULL, Altruism (Culture Fit) in addition to their professional skills and potential. For that reason, we clearly communicate the vision and values of the Company to both individuals who have recently graduated and those coming from other positions in order to find individuals of a like mind.
In many cases, the Representative Directors handle the hiring of key positions themselves. Apart from these positions, our Managing Officers conduct the final interviews for all candidates to ensure that all incoming employees fit with our vision and culture.
Integration of our Corporate Philosophy and Culture Throughout the Company
Vision Cards
We print our Credo, Philosophy, Guidelines and the LIFULL Quality Standards onto individual cards. These cards are, then, given out to all of our employees, so that they can refer to the values of the Company at any time.
Vision College
The Vision College is a program new employees three to six months after they join the Company, regardless of whether this is their first job or not. During this five-hour course, participants engage in various experience-based work to link our Credo, Philosophy and Guidelines with their jobs to gain a deeper understanding of these values and implement them into their work.
Vision Session
The Vision Session is a program for new employees coming from other companies about two or three months after they enter LIFULL. Members of the Vision Committee share the visions of all of the different departments, and participants discuss how their own work fits within the vision of the department to gain a deeper understanding of our Corporate Philosophy.
Company-Wide Meetings
We hold company-wide meetings every month in which members of the management team talk about different aspects of our Philosophy and the efforts of different departments toward the realization of the goals of the Company.
Company Socials
We took inspiration from the "Inamori-style socials" (developed by INAMORI Kazuo, founder of Kyocera) and hold these events four times a year. At each social, employees break into small groups and have discussions on topics related to our Credo and Philosophy to broaden their perspectives on work and life in general.
Evaluations and 360-Degree Feedback
In addition to employees' tasks and business skills, employees are also evaluated based on how well they have followed the Credo, Philosophy and Guidelines. Additionally, all employees must set Altruistic and Challenge Goals. For 360-degree feedback, employees evaluate each other based on our Guidelines as a reference.
Vision Committee
This is a companywide project in which the management team and employees volunteer to work together to better integrate our Philosophy throughout the Company. Regardless of position or seniority, employees can participate in this committee and help build a company where people experience a clear connection between our Corporate Philosophy and their individual jobs and measure the effectiveness of our actions.
Vision Tree
Every department at LIFULL creates its own vision that is linked to our Corporate Philosophy. In each department and team, employees present their own ideas and discuss them to verbalize the goal that their team wishes to achieve. By having each of our employees join in the process of creating their team vision, we are taking steps to create a vision-focused organization. After this is process has been completed, we combine all of the visions from each team into one Vision Tree to allow employees to track how the vision of their team aligns with their work and our Corporate Philosophy.
Management Directives (Evaluation of the Management Team's Embodiment of the Corporate Philosophy)
We have created a set of five directives to ensure consistent alignment of management with our Corporate Philosophy.
- 1. We always address the Corporate Philosophy in our words.
- 2. We always create strategies aligned with the Corporate Philosophy and explain them clearly.
- 3. We always give instructions aligned with the Corporate Philosophy.
- 4. We only appoint managers who sincerely want to achieve the Corporate Philosophy.
- 5. We always guide these managers to put the above into practice as well.
Our management team adheres to these Directives which also play a part in their evaluations which are based on company-wide questionnaires given twice a year.
All employees are given a test to assess their understanding of our Credo, Philosophy, Guidelines, strategy and individual departments once a year.
Guidelines Awards
We hold annual nominations to recognize employees who particularly embody the Guidelines. Employees are nominated by their peers in an effort to recognize individuals who embody the Guidelines, help everyone better understand the true meanings of the Guidelines and put faces to the Guidelines themselves.
Objectives and Achievements Related to Employees' Understanding and Conenction to our Corporate Philosophy and Culture
Focal Point | Indicator | Target | Results for FY 2023/9 | Results for FY 2024/9 |
Employee's Understanding and Connection to our Corporate Philosophy and Culture | Employees who responded "I want to contribute to the Corporate Philosophy of the Company" 1 | 100% | 81.0% | 84.5% |
Hours spent by management sharing our Corporate Philosophy (Annual) | ― | 110 hours | 95 hours | |
Evaluation of the embodiment of the Corporate Philosophy by Management 2 | 100% | 87.4% | 88.6% |
1 Ratio of employees who responded with agreement of 4 or 5 on a scale of 5 to "I want to contribute to the Corporate Philosophy of the Company."
2 Based on a questionnaire for all emplpyees of LIFULL Co., Ltd. on how well the management of the LIFULL Group embody the Corporate Philosophy. This questionnaire contains questions such as: "Does management always refer to the Corporate Philosophy in their words?", "Does management set strategies in accordance with the Coprorate Philosophy and explain them clearly?" and "Does management appoint leaders based on their desire to realize the Corporate Philosophy?" etc.