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- Company Name
Company Name

About the company name “LIFULL”
The company name "LIFULL" reflects our desire to make everyone's LIFE FULL of mind and well-being.
Corporate Message
What does it mean to live life on your terms?
What does happiness mean to you?
At LIFULL, we focus on every person in the world.
There are certainly hidden challenges and social issues,
concerning both individuals and the planet as a whole.
We solve social issues that hinder peace of mind and well-being,
but we do it by seeing life from a different perspective.
Everything we do is to make LIFE in our world FULL
of peace of mind and well-being.
Make every LIFE FULL.
Symbol Mark
A symbol that shows the company's focus on all aspects of "LIFE"
The word "every" in LIFULL's corporate message, "Make every LIFE FULL." does not refer to everything all at once, but rather means "looking at each individual and being close to them."
For this reason, the symbol mark has a "focus'' motif, which means focusing on "all kinds of life'' and is designed to bring focus to all kinds of life.