- Sustainability
- Sustainability Management of LIFULL
- Sustainability Issues and Goals
Sustainability Issues and Goals

Focal Points and Sustainability Issues
We have selected the following eight primary topics (materiality) from a number of different issues based on the sustainability policy of the LIFULL Group. By working towards these goals, we will continue to sustainably improve our corporate value.
notes: Completion dates for mid-term targets are the end of September 2025 unless otherwise specified.
Find Solutions to Social Issues Through Our Businesses
Life- Creating communities where people can live in comfort and safety
- Eliminate underprivileged individuals in the housing market
of rural Japan- Promote the repurposing of abandoned homes and buildings in rural areas of Japan
- Increase involved individuals
- Establish a new investment system for rural areas
society- Eliminate people's concerns about elderly care
Business Foundations
Resources- Train leaders for social innovation
- DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion)
- Employee well-being
Security- Take action for the protection of personal data as legally required in each country
- Improve our technical and organizational responses to cyber attacks
- Maintain a Secure Environment for the Organization
- Foster employees and an organization taking the lead in fair business practices
- Strengthen governance mechanisms
- Improve risk management
Actions on Global Issues
- Reducing Environmental Impact
Human Rights
- Respecting Human Rights and Promoting DEI
Process for Defining Sustainability Issues
Finding Connections to Social Issues
- 1.Take inventory of all businesses
- 2.Connect business initiatives with social issues
Mapping Social Issues
- 1.Prioritize and mapping social issues
- 2.Discuss proposals for mapping of sustainability issues at Management Meetings
Exchanging Views
Organize Management Meetings with involved individuals and exchange views
Defining Sustainability Issues
Discuss focal points and sustainability issues at Management Meetings
Setting Company-wide KPIs
Set company-wide goals and KPIs for each sustainability issue
Finding Solutions to Social Issues Through Our Businesses
Residential Life
Creating communities where people can live in comfort and safety

Improve users' freedom of choice and ease of moving to a new home
We believe that our homes make up the foundation of our lives.Therefore, the LIFULL Group is supporting all kinds of people to find a home that will make them happy through LIFULL HOME'S and its other businesses. By providing a database with expansive housing information, we are offering users more choices and pairing this data with details on housing quality, livability and safety of the surrounding area to give an even more positive moving experience.
Mid-Term Target
-Grow Our Housing Information Database: Database with 30 mil. properties (*Covering about 50% of the 60 mil. properties in Japan.)
-Expansive new data for a more reliable experience
Property Listings in Database:28,839,868 (As of Sep. 30, 2024)
Main Actions
- New Features Added to "AI Homes-kun BETA LINE Version"
- Integration with the "Real Estate Information Library" provided by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism enables property searches by school district and viewing real estate transaction price trends by area.
- Launch of GPTs-powered "LIFULL HOME'S". A service designed to assist with personalized home searches, catering to individual needs.
- LIFULL HOME'S Achieves "No. 1 in Property Freshness". Recognized as the top real estate portal site for providing the freshest property listings.
- "FRIENDLY DOOR" by LIFULL HOME'S launched Introduction of a dedicated page to find real estate agencies that support foreign languages.
- "AI Homes-kun BETA LINE Version" Now Supports Housing Consultations for Vulnerable Groups. Enhanced functionality to provide housing consultation services for individuals in need.
Property Listings in Database:28,352,687 (As of Sep. 30, 2023)
Main Actions
- Released a checklist for real estate professionals listing on LIFULL HOME'S to use when assisting international residents of Japan
- Released a checklist for real estate professionals listing on LIFULL HOME'S to use when assisting senior citizens
- Started sharing data with 5 new real estate management companies to help eliminate false ads
- Added "Young People who cannot Rely on their Families" and "Freelancers" search categories to LIFULL HOME'S FIRNEDLY DOOR
- Launched AI chat bot geared for helping real estate agents assist underpriviledged home-seekers
Property Listings in Database:28,059,988(As of Sep. 30, 2022)
Main Actions
- Added Handicapped search category to LIFULL HOME'S FRIENDLY
- Added Flood Hazard Map with Drawing Tool to the map search on the LIFULL HOME'S iPhone app
- Released a checklist to improve services real estate professionals listing on LIFULL HOME'S when assisting handicapped individuals
- Launched Housing Support Service for Refugees and Evacuees page on LIFULL HOME'S
- Collaboration with Itandi and Misawa Homes Real Estate to eliminate inaccurate listings
- Released a checklist to improve services real estate professionals listing on LIFULL HOME'S when assisting international residents of Japan
Eliminate underprivileged individuals in the housing market
LIFULL HOME'S is advocating for housing equality for everyone. In November 2019, we started the FRIENDLY DOOR initiative to assist underprivileged groups in the rental property market, such as international residents of Japan, senior citizens and individuals with disabilities, to find places to live. To solve this issue, we are working together real estate agencies with experience with individuals from diverse backgrounds and have created a way for people to search for trustworthy real estate professionals. Moving forward, we will continue to expand our network of FRIENDLY DOOR real estate professionals to eliminate the issues underprivileged individuals face in real estate.
Mid-Term Target
-Expanding to 6,000 real estate offices participating in FRIENDLY DOOR
Paricipating Offices: 6,003(As of Sep. 30, 2024)
Paricipating Offices: 5,096(As of Sep. 30, 2023)
Paricipating Offices:4,049(As of Sep. 30, 2022)
Regional Revitalization
Creating stronger connections in rural areas of Japan for more vibrant communities

Promote the repurposing of abandoned homes and buildings in rural areas of Japan
As the population of Japan begins to decline, vacant houses (Akiya) are increasingly becoming a social issue. The LIFULL Regional Revitalization initiatives aim to solve this issue and bring in new opportunities for rural areas by repurposing Akiya. We will continue to bring more visibility to Akiya and assist with their repurposing to further enrich peoples' lives in rural areas of Japan.
Mid-Term Target
-100 thousand properties listed on LIFULL HOME'S Akiya Bank
Create innovative examples for the repurposing of vacant buildings
Total Property Listings:38,000
Main Actions
- Promotion of the FY 2023 Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism's Vacant House Countermeasure Model Project. Includes information sharing between local government property data and the National Vacant House Bank.
- Promotion of Training Vacant House Advisors. Conducted through the "LIFULL Regional Revitalization School."
- Research on Identifying Vacant Houses Using Municipal Data
- Raising Awareness Among Vacant House Owners in Collaboration with Municipalities. Efforts include hosting seminars and producing informational booklets.
Total Property Listings:23,000
Main Actions
- Project to increase the number of properties in the national version of the Akiya Bank and promote matching through as a model project as presented in the countermeasures for akiya by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (2022)
- Survey of the amount of work and current usage of Akiya Banks by local municipalities
Total Property Listings:20,000
Main Actions
- Collaborations with local governments and increasing site traffic
└Conducted seminars and distributed flyers for local - governments as part of our model business project selected by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism in 2021
└Introduced a new search feature into the Akiya Bank site to allow users to search by their preferred lifestyle
Main Actions
- Launched proof of concept for using digital technology to rennovate abandoned villas into rental vacation homes (October 2022)
Release (in Japanese) :https://lifull.com/news/24570/
- Collaborations with local governments and increasing site traffic
Increase involved individuals
Increase involved individuals
The source of the revitalization of rural areas of Japan comes from the variety of individuals involved in the efforts. Therefore, the LIFULL Group is looking for solutions to issues in rural areas by increasing the number of involved individuals through its initiatives such as LIFULL Regional Revitalization School training the next generation of local leaders, LIFULL FaM, LIFULL LOCAL MATCH helping people relocate to different regions or LivingAnywhere Commons - a network of facilities for workations and multi-location living.
Mid-Term Target
-Increase involved individuals to 300 thousand (gross)
* Total people involved in regional revitalization efforts of the LIFULL Group including relocation to or communication with rural areas.
Involved Individuals:90,000
Involved Individuals:76,000
Involved Individuals:46,000
Establish a new investment system for rural areas
Financing is one of the key factors to promote the repurposing of abandoned houses in Japan. Therefore, the LIFULL Group is combining its the enormous amount of data it has collected over the years in the real estate industry and cutting-edge technology to develop new investment products and a transaction platform. With these real estate investment and financial opportunities, the LIFULL Group will contribute to the overall stimulation of the market for re-sale properties accelerate the revitalization of rural Japan.
Mid-Term Target
-Increase invested capital in financial products and services offered by the LIFULL Group for regional revitalization activities
Capital Invested during FY 2024: JPY 1,007 mil. *Regarding the challenge of "Establishing New Mechanisms to Promote Investment and Financing" under the theme of "Regional Revitalization," the scope of performance aggregation from the 30th term onward has been expanded. In addition to LIFULL Co., Ltd., it now includes investments and financing that contribute to regional revitalization through group companies in the financial sector. (Revised in December 2024)
Capital Invested during FY 2022: JPY 9 mil. *Bought, renovated and sold 1 property
Capital Invested during FY 2022: JPY 25 mil. *Bought, renovated and sold 5 properties
Rapidly-Aging Society
Offering more options for people to live their lives their way

Eliminate people's concerns about elderly care
Since starting LIFULL Kaigo, the largest website for searching for and comparing elderly care facilities in Japan, we have assisted a large number of individuals. Moving forward, as the leader in the market, we want to make the process of finding the right care facilities even smoother using the internet and will continue to make updates to our websites.
Mid-Term Target
-30% share of internet users considering elderly care facilities
*Since the mid-term target was achieved as of the 29th term, no survey was conducted in the 30th term.
- *As a result the review of our business strategy, we have removed "Rapidly-Aging Society: Offering more options for people to live their lives their way" from the scope of our sustainability issues and goals (As of July 2023.)
Business Foundations
Human Resources
Supporting diverse individuals to challenge themselves based on their own intrinsic motivations

Train leaders for social innovation
The LIFULL Group is focused on finding solutions to social issues through our businesses. By creating businesses that are both profitable and helping to solve social issues, we believe we are contributing to the sustainable development of society. We are creating a corporate culture where anyone can take on the challenge of starting new ventures with the goal of bringing more smiles to people's faces. Therefore, we are focused on training leaders to start these new ventures and services.
Mid-Term Target
-Increase the number of employees making business proposals related to finding solutions to social issues
Number of Business Leaders with Experience: 25
Note: Regarding the talent-related challenge of "producing leaders who solve social issues," we have reconsidered the appropriateness of progress measurement. As a result, starting from the 30th term, we have changed the performance tracking indicator to the "number of business leaders with experience." (Revised in December 2024)
Newly Founded Start-ups:1
Newly Founded Start-ups: 1
DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion)
Innovation stems from the thinking beyond traditional authority and actions. We want to ensure fairness throughout our organization and innovation by fostering an organizational culture in which employees welcome each other's diverse personalities and backgrounds while reaching their true potential. At the same time, we want to work towards a society where anyone can be themselves.
Mid-Term Target
-Create an open environment where anyone can reach their potential regardless of gender, age or race etc.
-Reduce number of employees who do not pursue management positions or specialists* due to gender biases
- *"Specialist" refers to employees who exhibit high-level expertise in a particular field and make highly valuable contributions to the Company. For LIFULL, Specialists are valued as key employees and are expected to make similar contributions as management-level staff through their professional expertise.
Positive evaluation on internal inclusion survey*:86%
- *Participants were asked to rank whether or not the company environment was XX to allowing everyone to exercise their full potential. The result is the total number of positive responses ("4: I think everyone can mostly exercise their full potential." and "5: I think everyone can exercise their full potential.")
Results of the Employee Career Orientation Survey :
- Employees who want to pursue management positions (*1) : Men:50%,Women:29%
- Employees who want to pursue careers as specialists (*2) : Men:34%,Women:31%
- *1 Percentage of employees who answered "yes" to the question "Do you want to pursue a management position at LIFULL in the future?"
- *2 Percentage of employees who answered "yes" to the question "Do you want to pursue a career as a specialist?"
Main Actions
- Implementation of Training for Female Employees
Positive evaluation on internal inclusion survey*:78%
- *The definition regarding evaluation is the same as above.
Results of the Employee Career Orientation Survey :
- Employees who want to pursue management positions (*1) : Men:43%,Women:19%
- Employees who want to pursue careers as specialists (*2) : Men:38%,Women:30%
- The definition regarding evaluation is the same as above.
Main Actions
- Seminars for female employees
- List of female candidates for managerial positions
Positive evaluation on internal inclusion survey*:72%
- *Participants were asked to rank whether or not the company environment was XX to allowing everyone to exercise their full potential. The result is the total number of positive responses ("4: I think everyone can mostly exercise their full potential." and "5: I think everyone can exercise their full potential.")
Main Actions
- Corporate culture trainings for emoloyees
- Lunches to foster communcation
Results of the Employee Career Orientation Survey :
└Employees who want to pursue management positions (*1) : Men:39%,Women:24%
└Employees who want to pursue careers as specialists (*2) : Men:44%,Women:27%
- *1 Percentage of employees who answered "yes" to the question "Do you want to pursue a management position at LIFULL in the future?"
- *2 Percentage of employees who answered "yes" to the question "Do you want to pursue a career as a specialist?"
Employee well-being
Well-being is the idea of both physical and spiritual happiness. Our employees at the source of how we create value, so the well-being of our employees is an important indicator for our management. We support each employee of the LIFULL Group to instill them with passion and live a spiritually and physically fulfilling life.
Mid-Term Target
-Increase employee engagement
-100% of employees receiving annual health checks
-Increase the percentage of employees taking stress checks
- Organizational Survey:Total Score3.9 points of 5 points
- Employees Receiving Annual Health Checks:100.00%
- Employees Taking Stress Checks:93.40%
- Organizational Survey:Total Score3.8 points of 5 points
- Employees Receiving Annual Health Checks:100.00%
- Employees Taking Stress Checks:94.30%
- Organizational Survey:Total Score 3.8 points of 5 points
- Employees Receiving Annual Health Checks:99.74%
- Employees Taking Stress Checks:92.07%
Information Security
Constructing a modern system for the protection of personal information
Take action for the protection of personal data as legally required in each country
As technology develops at a rapid pace, there have been a number of issues related to personal information have arisen, and laws and regulations are adjusting quickly. The LIFULL Group offers information services globally and is, therefore, monitoring new laws, revisions and abolitions of related laws in each country. We will continue to respond promptly and appropriately for each region and business.
Mid-Term Target
-Strengthen our methods for adjusting to laws concerning personal data protection in each country
-Perform semi-annual checks through the information management committee in our headquartersProgress
- Conducted a check on the response systems and status of LIFULL CONNECT, which operates in over 60 countries and regions, as well as LIFULL Tech Vietnam and LIFULL Tech Malaysia, which are functional subsidiaries of LIFULL.
- Check cleared (confirmed that an information-gathering system is established in the countries where business is conducted).
- LIFULL Tech Vietnam complied with Decree No. 13 (13/2023/ND-CP) on personal data protection.
- Continued monitoring of necessary tasks at the Headquarters Confidential Information Management Committee.
- Conducted checks on the response systems and status of LIFULL CONNECT, which operates in more than 60 countries and regions, and LIFULL Tech Vietnam and LIFULL Tech Malaysia, functional subsidiaries of LIFULL
- Check cleared (confirmed that information collection systems have been established in LIFULL CONNECT's countries of operation)
- Tasks requiring action were monitored by the Confidential Information Management Committee at the head office
- Developing a system for all 63 countries and regions where LIFULL CONNECT is active
- Completed Check
Improve our technical and organizational responses to cyber attacks
In recent years, cyber attacks that steal network information and destroy systems through have become increasingly more sophisticated. For this reason, we will continue to improve our mechanisms to protect information and minimize damage in the unlikely event of a breach.
Mid-Term Target
-100% passing rate on the information security test
-Regular cyber BCP trainingProgress
- Passing Rate:100%
- Conducted a review of the All-Hazard BCP policy.
- Held a press conference drill as a countermeasure in the event of a crisis.
- Note: As announced on September 19, 2024, unauthorized access to the servers of our group company, Kenbiya, occurred, and we have taken necessary actions in response. We take this situation seriously and will further strengthen our internal operations and training, including the management of information storage locations and access rights, to prevent recurrence.
- Passing Rate:100%
- Reviewed the criteria for establishing a crisis task force, response manuals, etc., and addressed issues that arose during the previous year's drills
- Drills are scheduled to be conducted in the 30th period in conjunction with the transition from a cyber-only BCP to an all-hazard BCP.
- Passing Rate: 100%
- Conducted 8 training sessions based on the cyber BCP Address issues that came up during training sessions
Maintain a Secure Environment for the Organization
As a provider of online services, LIFULL places special importance on information security and is constantly expanding and renewing systems. In recent years, as the number of acquired subsidiaries has increased, we will continue to incorporate security measures into the integration process and build a solid information infrastructure for the entire group.
Mid-Term Target
-100% compliance with group security standards within half a year for acquired subsidiaries
-Execution of in-house IT system digital transformation planProgress
- No new M&A transactions, and no newly added subsidiaries.
- Continued monitoring of ongoing issues from the previous period.
- The DX promotion plan is progressing as scheduled.
- In response to the increasing number of internal fraud cases observed in society and the rising standards for countermeasures, we have conducted a reassessment of our internal fraud prevention measures and initiated discussions on strengthening initiatives.
- 97.5% compliance rate with security standards
- All three companies that joined the group in FY 2022/9 are compliant.
- The two companies that joined the group in FY 2023/9 are in the process of complying with some items.
- The internal anti-fraud system, which was planned as a security enhancement measure in the DX Promotion Plan for internal IT systems, is now in operation as planned.
- There were 0 subsidiaries subject to the compliance ratio as of September 30, 2022.
- Compliance with security standards is underway for 3 new subsidiaries acquired during FY 2022/9.
- Completed implementation of the Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) to improve security on schedule in accordance with our In-House IT System Digital Transformation Plan
Strengthening foundations as a trustworthy company
Foster employees and an organization taking the lead in fair business practices
"Act with Highest Integrity" is one of the Guidelines of the LIFULL Group and stipulates that we should make the best choices in every situation. In order for each of our employees to internalize this ideal, we provide opportunities for continued education and strengthen our organizational efforts to promote sincere and fair business activities.
Mid-Term Target
-Implement training on compliance and internal auditing
-0 serious compliance violationsProgress
- Conducted 4 compliance training sessions(two for all employees, one for managers, and one for new employees).
- Serious compliance violations: 4(disciplinary actions of demotion or higher).
- └ Misuse of company expenses: 4 cases (including 3 cases of disciplinary dismissal).
- Conducted 3 compliance training sessions (on complex topics)
- Supported implementation of compliance training at subsidiaries
- Serious compliance violations: 0
- 6 Compliance Traning Sessions (Social Media, Harassment, Protection of Personal Information x4)
- Serious Compliance Violations:0
Strengthen governance mechanisms
We have developed a system of corporate governance in order to ensure that we uphold our most important management goal - our responsibility to our stakeholders (Shachu). We continue to strengthen these mechanisms by appropriately responding to items expressed during the evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors and promoting diversity of the Board.
Mid-Term Target
-Address items expressed in the evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors
-50% female ExecutivesProgress
Conducted evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors
- *Details are provided in the Corporate Governance Report.
- Female Executive: 23%(For the 13 members of the Board of Directors: Female Directors: 0, Female Auditors: 3) (As of Sep. 30, 2024)
- Conducted the selection of candidates for directors and auditors, considering gender balance.
Conducted evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors
Conducted evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors
- *Details are provided in the Corporate Governance Report.
- Female Executive: 17%(For the 12 members of the Board of Directors: Female Directors: 0, Female Auditors: 2) (As of Sep. 30, 2023)
Conducted evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors
- Conducted evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors
Based on the results, we have developed a skill matrix in addtion other actions.
- *Details are provided in the Corporate Governance Report.
- Female Executive: 18%(For the 11 members of the Board of Directors: Female Directors: 0, Female Auditors: 2) (As of Sep. 30, 2022)
Improve risk management
As our business ventures continue to expand around the world, our risks are becoming more complex and diversified. We will respond to the trust of our stakeholders (Shachu) while maintaining and increasing our corporate value by understanding the risks of the Group in a timely manner and strengthening risk management.
Mid-Term Target
-Promote risk management for all group companies
Promote a project on overseas risk assumptions.
Implemented enterprise risk management (ERM) for all subsidiaries (domestic: 1, overseas: 1)
Implemented enterprise risk management (ERM) for all domestic subsidiaries
Actions on Global Issues
Reducing our Effects on the Environment
Living in the present world, we have the responsibility to protect our world for future generations. For this reason, the LIFULL Group is focusing on reducing greenhouse gases emitted during the production of electricity to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society with our stakeholders.
- Started monitoring waste and resource usage (water, paper) at the headquarters.
- Expanded the scope of online billing.
- Considered GHG reduction measures on cloud servers.
- Assessed the current status of GHG emissions across the entire LIFULL Group
- Formulated an environmental policy
- Endorsed the TCFD and organized and disclosed information based on the final recommendations of the TCF
- Implemented paperless invoice
- Assessment completed for Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 GHG emissions for LIFULL Co., Ltd. headquarters
- Beginning actions for the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
- Continuing to work towards paperless contracts and invoices
Human Rights
Human Rights and DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion)
Since our founding, we have paid special consideration to all of our stakeholders (Shachu) in our business initiatives based on our credo "Altruism." Moving forward, we will maintain this stance and continue to promote respect for human rights and diversity in cooperation with our partners according to the "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights" of the United Nations.
Mid-Term Target
- Updated the human rights policy.
- Followed up on human rights incidents within the company.
- Responded to supplier questionnaires from business partners.
- Completed human rights due diligence for LIFULL CONNECT
- Completed human rights survey for all suppliers of LIFULL Co., Ltd.
- Established a whistleblower channel for business partners
- Developed a labor policy
- Established a human rights policy
- Conducted first human rights due diligence on key business processes at headquarters and addressing key issues identified