Terms of Use
Where we have provided you with an English translation of the Japanese language version of a webpage, the translation is provided for your convenience only and the Japanese language version will govern the relationship between you and us. If there is any contradiction between the Japanese language version and the translation, the Japanese language version shall take precedence.
Conditions of use
Applicable laws, regulations, etc.
Except where specified otherwise, use of this website and interpretations, application, and other matters concerning information posted herein and these terms of use are governed by the laws of Japan. Any disputes arising in connection with use of this website shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court as the exclusive first court of jurisdiction.
Recommended user environment
The following operating systems and browsers are recommended to ensure intended site functionality. (Note that in some cases the site may not display correctly, depending on the combination of hardware, OS, and browser.)
Recommended operating systems
iOS 14 or higher/Android 9 or higher
Recommended browsers
Chrome Latest edition
Microsoft Edge Latest edition
Safari Latest edition
JavaScript, Cookies
If your browser is set not to accept JavaScript or cookies, the website may not function or display correctly. Please set your browser to accept JavaScript and cookies for all content on this website.
Scope of liability
- 1. LIFULL provides no guarantees, either explicit or implicit, concerning this service or its website (including, but not limited to, guarantees concerning the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, reliability, usability, or fitness for a particular purpose of its content, text, images, or other information, or guarantees concerning the results of use of the service). In the event of any difference between the content of listings of real estate property and actual conditions of the property, the actual conditions shall take precedence. The properties referred to in real estate information provided may be unavailable because they have already been leased or purchased or because they have been taken off the market.
- 2. Use of this service or a website operated by LIFULL constitutes recognition and acceptance of the fact that such service or website contains content, copyrighted materials, information, services, and other information provided to users by advertisers and other third parties. LIFULL shall not be liable in any way for any content, copyrighted materials, information, services, or other information provided to users by advertisers and other third parties in connection with this service or a website operated by LIFULL. Use of this service constitutes user consent to this limitation.
- 3. LIFULL shall not be liable in any way for third-party websites linked to from a website operated by LIFULL or carrying links from such third-party websites to a website operated by LIFULL.
- 4. Use of this service constitutes user consent that LIFULL rejects all liability for damages suffered by users of the service or a website operated by LIFULL (including prospective users hereinafter in this paragraph), regardless of reason for or cause of such damages. Provided that LIFULL may be liable for normal and direct damages other than loss of earnings suffered by users if the provisions of the Consumer Contract Act apply to the relationship between LIFULL and the user under these Terms, regardless of the reason for or cause of such damages, as long as the user can demonstrate that LIFULL was at fault. No limitation on the scope of liability for damages shall apply if LIFULL is at fault, either willfully or through gross negligence.
Linking to this website
- 1. No special procedures are required to link to this website. However, in principle, please link to https://lifull.com/. Please refrain from linking this website so that it appears within a frame on your website, since doing so could make the source of information unclear.
- 2. Please contact us through “Other inquiries” before linking to this website (including posting the site URL in magazines, books, or other publications). Note that failure to receive a response from us does not mean that we approve of your link.
- 3. When linking to this website, please be sure to use the correct, official company name: “LIFULL Co., Ltd.”
- 4. We do not permit links to this website that meet, or could meet, any of the following descriptions:
- Links from websites that slander or defame LIFULL Co., Ltd., and/or its affiliated company(ies), and their director(s) or employee(s)
- Links from websites that could be detrimental to society’s trust in and appreciation of LIFULL Co., Ltd., such as websites that are offensive to public standards of decency
- Links that blur the boundaries of responsibility of this website, such as a link that causes the site to appear inside the frame of another website
- Links that could mislead users into the incorrect belief that the website containing the link is in some kind of cooperation or partnership with LIFULL Co., Ltd. or that LIFULL Co., Ltd. endorses or supports that website
- Any other links that LIFULL Co., Ltd. considers inappropriate