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  • Shareholder Returns

Shareholder Returns

Dividends per Share and Payout Ratios

per Share
Mid - - - - - - - - - - - -
End 2.37 2.88 4.50 5.663 0.82 6.02 4.40 5.29 3.62 2.25 4.26 0.73
Year 2.37 2.88 4.50 5.663 0.82 6.02 4.40 5.29 3.62 2.25 4.26 0.73
Payout Ratio
20.0% 24.3%2 20.0% 24.3%3 20.0% 25.0% 23.8%5 60.8%6 -8.1%6 25.0% 52.9%7 -1.1%6,7
  1. 1 Due to the following stock splits, the previous fiscal year is calculated taking into account the impact of the splits.
    The Company implemented a stock split at a ratio of three shares per share of common stock as the effective on January 1, 2014 and a stock split at a ratio of two shares per share of common stock effective on June 1, 2015.
  2. 2 Due to the transition period to IFRS, the dividend payout ratio for the FY03/2015 was computed on the basis of net profit that excluded the “effects of NEXT’s acquisition of Trovit.” Thus, the resultant payout ratio was 24.3%.
  3. 3 To commemorate the twentieth year since the founding of the Company, 1.00 yen was added to the regular dividend of 4.66 resulting in a payout rate of 24.3%.
  4. 4 The Company changed the end of the fiscal year as of the fiscal year ended September 3, 2017. The fiscal year ended September 3, 2017 was an irregular six-month financial period which began on April 1, 2017 and ended on September 30, 2017.
  5. 5 Dividends for the FY2019 have been calculated based on the number of issued shares as of the end of the period.
  6. 6 Dividends for FY2020/9, FY2021/9,2024/9 have been calculated in consideration of the impact from the impairment loss for overseas subsidiaries.
  7. 7 Dividends source for FY2023/9, FY2024/9 have been added the reduction in taxes due to the reversal of operating losses carried forward for overseas subsidiaries and the additional recording of the earn-out for FazWaz, acquired during FY 2023/9.

Dividend Policy

It is our prioritized corporate policy to realize even more sizable returns to shareholders, while placing emphasis on investments for future growth where continuous increase in profits is targeted as well as on retained earnings to strengthen the financial condition, through the proactive pursuit of businesses.
As established in the Mid-Term Business Plan, the basic dividend policy shall be that a variable amount shall be paid based on annual business results. Our payout ratio shall be 25% of consolidated net profit (starting from the fiscal year ended on September 31, 2018), and internal reserves shall be utilized for mid-term strategical investments.
In the case that profit attributable to owners of the parent fluctuates greatly in a fiscal year due to extraordinary factors, we will take those effects into consideration when determining dividends. Furthermore, should the LIFULL Group have negative results in a single year, it is possible that a dividend will not be paid.

Reference Date September 30
Payout Ratio Approx. 25.0% of Consolidated Net Profit

Treasury Shares Held (As of Sep. 30, 2024)

Treasury Shares 6,245,229 shares
Ratio of Treasury to Outstanding Shares 4.65%

Shareholder Incentives

Not currently provided.