Acquisition and Use of Action History Information

[This English version is provided solely for reference purposes. Should there be any discrepancy between the Japanese and English versions, the Japanese version will take precedence.]
[This policy constitutes a part of the LIFULL Privacy Policy and, unless provided otherwise herein, this policy shall be applied along with the LIFULL Privacy Policy. Please note that information that can be easily cross-matched with other information to identify a specific individual will be treated as Personal Information, and this policy also applies to such Action History Information.]

Acquisition and Use of Action History Information

The LIFULL Group will collect, accumulate and use information that, through its accumulation, enables the LIFULL Group to analyze customer interests and preferences and lacks the specificity needed to identify particular individuals (“Action History Information”), such as a history of Services used and advertisements viewed by a Customer, a history of a Customer’s operations within a site and apps, and a Customer’s IP address, location information and unique device identifier, for the following purposes in or in connection with the Services the LIFULL Group operates:

  1. (1) To make the Services more convenient for Customers
  2. (2) To distribute advertisements tailored to Customers
    Behavioral Targeting Advertising
    (The link above is for a page on behavioral targeting advertising on websites and in apps operated by the LIFULL Group.)
  3. (3) For use as statistical data
  4. (4) To provide content that Customers may find useful
  5. (5) To provide consulting services on sales promotion activities or other marketing facilities for partner companies under contract with the LIFULL Group (“Contractors”) and other third parties

The Action History Information itself does not enable identification of an individual. However, it will be treated as personal information if it can be easily cross-matched with other pieces of information to identify a particular individual.

Action History Information to be Obtained

The LIFULL Group will obtain information on websites and apps viewed by the Customer, the date and time of such visits, URLs, history of operations, the type of browser, language, IP addresses, browser used by the Customer, location information, unique device identifiers and so forth by using cookies, JavaScript and other technology.

Provision of Action History Information to Third Parties

The LIFULL Group may provide Action History Information to third parties.

Provision of Results of Action History Information Analyses

The LIFULL Group may undertake services for Contractors, analyze Action History Information to the extent necessary for such services and provide analysis results to Contractors.
The Contractors will use such results for the purpose of providing personalized contents and advertisements that may interest Customers who visit the websites and apps they operate.

Techniques Used

The LIFULL Group will obtain Action History Information by sending cookies to the devices of visitors of the specific websites or by using JavaScript or other technologies.

How to Stop the Collection of Action History Information

If you do not wish the LIFULL Group to obtain your Action History Information for the Purposes of Use set forth in this policy on the “Acquisition and Use of Action History Information”, please visit the linked pages below to opt out of Action History Information acquisition.

・Stop the collection of Action History Information with tools provided by Adjust Co., Ltd.
・Stop the collection of Action History Information with tools provided by Allied Architects, Inc.
・Stop the collection of Action History Information with tools provided by BGTechnology, Inc.
・Stop the collection of Action History Information with tools provided by Digital Advertising Consortium Inc.
・Stop the collection of Action History Information with tools provided by Intimate Merger, Inc.
・Stop the collection of Action History Information with tools provided by LOGLY, Inc.
・Stop the collection of Action History Information with tools provided by Macromill Inc.
・Stop the collection of Action History Information with tools provided by Microsoft.
・Stop the collection of Action History Information with tools provided by PIANO Co., LTD.
・Stop the collection of Action History Information with tools provided by PLAID, Inc.
・Stop the collection of Action History Information with tools provided by popIn Inc.
・Stop the collection of Action History Information with tools provided by Ptmind, Inc.
・Stop the collection of Action History Information with tools provided by Tealium, Inc.
・Stop the collection of Action History Information with tools provided by User Local, Inc.
・Stop the collection of Action History Information with tools provided by Wingify.
・Stop the collection of Action History Information with tools provided by Zendesk.
(Click the links above to view the websites of the third-party providers of the tools used by the LIFULL Group to gather Action History Information.)

The LIFULL Group also uses Google Analytics.

The advertising features of Google Analytics used by LIFULL Group are as follows:

・Remarketing with Google Analytics
・Impression reports on Google display networks
・Integration of the DoubleClick platform
・“User distribution reports” and “interest reports” from Google Analytics

Third-parties Contractors of the LIFULL Group use combinations of Action History Information linked to cookies and IDs for the following purposes:

・To display on Services information regarded to meet the customer’s interests
・To display on third-party website advertisements regarded to meet the Customer’s interests

If you wish to opt out of (i.e., disable) the advertising features of Google Analytics, please complete the procedure on the linked page below:

Google Analytics opt-out add-on
If you continue using the Services without taking action to stop the collection of Action History Information, you are deemed to have accepted this Policy. Please be sure to read this Policy and fully understand it.

How Long Action History Information Will Be Retained

The LIFULL Group may retain Action History Information for five years. However, information otherwise specified by the LIFULL Group at its discretion may be retained for more than five years.

Security Control of Action History Information

To safeguard Action History Information against unauthorized access, leakage, loss or damage (including loss, destruction and unauthorized alteration), the LIFULL Group will take appropriate security control measures under strictly controlled conditions and continually review, correct and improve such measures.

Contact Information

Point of contact for inquiries about personal information at LIFULL Co., Ltd.
1-4-4 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083, Japan
Contact Form (Japanese Only)